Tomorrow I think if I just start my day with some pumpkin pie oatmeal
I might be ahead of the game.
I'm also daydreaming about some tiny pies from a site called Not Martha. Full details for building the pies are listed. I'd love to deliver them to friends in celebration of winter, rhubarb, and being cozy. Aren't they pretty? These ones have cherries. I'd make mine using rhubarb and berries probably.
In other news - there are grants available to start various environmental initiatives (my brain defaults this to mean "teaching gardens" or any other variety of gardening initiative that I might like to strike up).
Here are a few to check out:
Youth Environmental Stewardship Grant $5000, must be aged 16-30, provided by Alberta EcoTrust
The Calgary Foundation has a slew of grants & awards. One called "Stepping Stones" is pretty interesting as it is awarded to individuals "to encourage active citizenship by helping residents undertake small creative projects that benefit their local community". Amounts awarded are between $100-600. Applications are accepted every month! Here are some past projects that have received funding.
On another note, the Calgary Zoo has great resources for schools to start their own garden programs. They've put out a publication called Grounds for Change which details where to start, what to do, and where to find funding (can be purchased through the same links).
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