An informative site with articles from various contributors or "fellows" who over the span of 2.5 years are given the means and education as to how best communicate their food policy ideas.
From the site:
Fellows come from many disciplines—chefs, farmers, nutritionists, activists, public health professionals, fishers, policy experts and academics. Together they form an interdisciplinary team that works to:
- Use communication to influence the issues that reach the public agenda, thereby creating policy changes at the personal, organizational and public policy levels that advance sustainable food and farming systems
- Increase the mass media communications on issues around sustainable food and farming systems that produce healthy, green, fair and affordable foods
- Raise the profile of the fellows as food system experts among media and policymakers
- Build capacity, leadership, and cohesiveness in a group of experts who collaborate and communicate using mass media channels to bring sustainable food system issues to the public agenda.
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